Design Kiosk

The project is led by Iván Jiménez and Txema Montero, two boys who grew up in the metropolitan area of Barcelona and currently live in the city. Ivan is a graphic designer and Txema is an Architect and Interior Designer, and they have been friends since we were 16 years old.
During the confinement, they chatted and fantasized about what they could do when the confinement was over, that they wanted to do something different, a change in our lives. Txema, through the university and newspaper articles, was aware of the problem of kiosks in Barcelona, of which more than 80 had closed, and that the city council had been taking initiatives to reactivate them for a few years, although they did not work. And Ivan who has always been a lover of independent magazines and at the same time had been editor of his own magazine, Agapornis, which was distributed around the world, had also always dreamed of having his own magazine business. Well then, putting together these synergies and a couple of conversations, they decided, that the essence of the kiosk with the daily press had to go back, that not all publications should go digital since there are independent magazines that are made with an edition, a paper and an impressive effort that has a lot of value, that art has to take to the streets.
Art is culture and culture must be lived. We are in complicated times, both for the culture and its dissemination, and for new businesses, so they believe it is the best time to give strength.
ODD KIOSK is a Queer space that tries to get away from what is considered normal or conventional. Its transformation has been influenced by the ideas and values of recent generations, where being different is not negative but quite the opposite. In ODD KIOSK you will find the best indie magazines and a broad selection of approximately 40 artists who are part of the LGTBIQ+ collective (Pepo Moreno, Albert Madaula, El dibujo, Alicia Vogel, Affonso Casas, Asis Percales, Cachorro Lozano, Gala Pont, Kerrature…) . In addition, we also have a small corner of books and fanzines. We select and curate each product and give voice to new artists and designers.